Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Abi's NaNoWriMo Magna Carta

There is a book called No Plot? No Problem!. Basically it is a guide for the insanity that is NaNo. One of the exercises caught my eye. 

 Basically, you make a list of stuff you like in books you read, and I thought, this would make a good blog post!    

So for your reading pleasure, Magna Carta I! 
1.           Awesome characters, main and side. Example: Firefly. All the crew of Serenity.
2.           Improvised weaponry. Example: Jason Bourne, just Jason Bourne. 
3.           Villians that are so vile, that you cannot help but love to hate them. Example: Umbrige. Sue Sylvester. Jonah J. Jamenson.
4.           Big Damn Heroes Moments. Example: This,
5.           A strong parent/child relationship. Bonus points if they aren’t related.  Example: Alfred and Batman.
6.           The berserk button pressed and the Papa Wolf or the Mama Bear is unleashed.  Example: “NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!"
7.           Good deaths scenes that make you cry and are a perfect send off for the character in question. Example: "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."
8.           Heartwarming moments that are full of awesome. Example: "Hey! Pickin' on a guy tryin' ta save some kids!" "This is New York!" "You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!"  
9.           Lemony Narration. Examples The Series of Unfortunate Events, Northanger Abbey, Discworld, or select Neil Gaiman works.
10.     Pre-Ass Kicking One Liners. Example: "Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname Dragon of the West?" 
11.     The hero has arrived at the end of the story. He/She’s scarred mentally and physically. He/She has lost friends, watched some of them die even. But he/she is alive! And he/she has won! And there is still some one that they can rely on.  Example: Harry Potter  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A request

Before I go to sleep, I am going to ask a question. Since I am new at blogging, there is one question that has been really eating me. Who should I follow?
I have NO idea what blogging etiquette is. Is it like Facebook where you have to know the person in real life or is it like fanfiction, where no one gives a crud who you are so long as you are not a spammer? Or does it depend on the blog?
Anyways, if you have an suggestion on who to follow, shoot me a Facebook message, or a email, or leave something in the comments.

Muchas Gracias!

Monday, November 22, 2010

No, I Will Not Make You A Sandwich

"Now, make me a sammich!"

Considering all of the feculent memes and jokes that the internet as spawned, it is no surprise that domestic abuse would crop up as some thing to laugh about. But, just because no one is shocked to see these kinds of jokes on the internet does not mean that it is okay to make them.

And I just want to say, just because you laughed at or made a sammich joke does not make you a terrible person. You were just hit by a stick of douche baggery. And who has not been hit by the douche baggery stick?

You were still a douche though. And I forgive you. Kay?

Now, why am I writing about this?

Because it bugs the hell out of me! Why? Because when I see a "make me sammich joke" I feel sick inside. I feel, well, objectified. It tells me that "I suck" because I am a woman. And it scares me. That there are people out there who think that telling me to shut up and take in the ass is a joke.

And I realize that it is supposed to be funny. But it is not. It makes me, and other girls feel threatened and degraded.

But it is black comedy! you may cry. Sure, it is. But, when it comes to black humor, use your best judgment. I can laugh at death. Because everyone is going to face it! Even you! yes you. And, hell, Death is not going to mind if we laugh at her. She may join in!