I love Arthurian myth. I think it is because it is a great challenge to learn about. Seriously. Paraphrasing Linkara "Understanding it is like undoing a knot the size of basketball, with one hand behind your back, your eyes closed, upside down, riding a horse." Since, I love this crazy convoluted piece of English lit. I decided to list the Top 11 Arthurian characters.
Why Top 11? Because I'm ripping off HOMAGING The Nostalgia Critic's gimmick.
11. Morgouse. God what a bitch. I don't like her at all. I dislike her so much that I get a sick pleasure out of it. Here's an SAT analogy that is the tip of the iceberg for why I detest her. Morgouse is to Morgan le Fay as is the Sabretooth to Wolverine. A poor man's substitute. She doesn't have the class nor the power that makes Morgan so cool But the real reason I do not like her is because, she gets Arthur, her half brother drunk and then has sex with him, i.e. she rapes him. Ew! Ew! Ewwwwww! She is so much fun to hate.
10. Lancelot. Should he rank higher? :/ Eh. *Sigh* Look, I didn't even want him here in the first place. But when he appears in any version of Arthurian myth nowadays, you get excited. When Lancelot comes, shit gets real. Crowning Moments of Awesome and Drama will ensue.
9. Leodegrance: Sir Patrick Stewart played him. 'Nough said. No seriously, Leo gets badass points because he gave King Arthur the Round Table. Being played by an actual knight (okay Sir Stewart was just Patrick then, but the point remains) + providing a cornerstone to on of the most important mythologies ever = Major Badass
8. Lynette. Three L characters! I like the potential she has is amazing! Her kingdom's run over by an evil knight, and the rightful ruler, her sister is the knight's prisoner. So she sneaks out and goes to Camelot to get help. Sir Gaheris, helps her out. The evil knight is defeated and she marries Sir Gaheris. She's spunky, a story that as lots of action with a potential "Well Excuse me Princess" relationship going on. I can try to write it, but I have a feeling that's novel length story and I'm NaNo burned out.
7. Merlin. This is the great granddaddy of wrinkly old mentors with long white beards. Okay, maybe that honor belongs to Odin. But Merlin had had some considerable influence on such beloved characters as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Gandalf the White and Professor Dumbledore. As a matter a fact, it came full circle in the movie Excalibur. John Boorman deliberately based that scene off the one in A New Hope where Obi-Wan and Luke talk. So, yeah. Much love!
6. Lady of the Lake. Is it just the versions I read, but does the Lady of the Lake always turn up to save Arthur's butt? "Don't drink that." "Don't put on that cape from your sister." "Here's a new sword, since you broke your dead dad's. Nice going by the way." Anyways, she's one of the few people in the mythology who knows what's what, and without her, there would be no story.
5. Gawain. Despite what Sir Thomas Malory wrote, Gawain is a complete badass. But not in a "I-am-so-manly-look-at-my-muscles" way. More like an "I made a promise, and I will keep it no matter what!"
4. Bedivere. You have got to respect this guy's loyalty. He was with Arthur from day one and he was the one at Arthur's side when the king died. See tragedy! And losing an arm did not keep him down! Oh no! Since he needed two hands to wield a sword, he took up with the spear.
3. King Arthur. The man himself! He's come so far! *sniff* From a random Roman (?) general to a medieval king with a whole mythology named after him! And like Bedivere, you gotta respect this guy. It ain't easy being the greatest king ever. I mean, people think they can over turn him, his knights can be idiots, and just imagine the paperwork! But Arthur always stays strong, and left behind a legacy that continues to inspire people.
2. Percival. When I was a lass, I would listen to these audio recordings by Jim Weiss. You probably can guess that there was an Arthurian one. My favorite story on there was that of Percival. He was a genuinely good guy, and some times you can't help but laugh at the idiot things he does. I loved the part in the Jim Weiss story when Percival stops on his travels to look at some red berries covered in snow, because they are beautiful, like his lady. Dawww!
1. Morgan Le Fay. When I first meet Morgan, I had no idea about Camelot, Arthur, the Round Table, Excalibur, the Holy Grail or anything else. I had heard of them, but they didn't mean anything. But then my mom persuaded me to read Dawn Before Dinosaurs, the very first book of The Magic Tree House series. Morgan le Fay opened the door, not only to Camelot, but to the jungles of Africa, the streets of Pompeii, the frozen tundra of the Ice Age, the first moon base, and, well, everywhere! I have a hard time seeing her as a villain now. I think I've reconciled the two images. Morgan the villain and Morgan the mentor. She's a trickster Mentor. She puts Arthur through painful trials, but he ultimately ends up benefiting from them.
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